
This blog is dedicated to my late husband Toni R. February 17, 2017

Whose love has taught me to learn to soar with the eagles and to have
an eye for the bigger picture of life.

He was an aviator with a passion and a builder and restorer at heart.

He was a searcher for the Truth and a thinker about the deep things of life.

As an aviator he needed to see the big picture and being aware
of all the circumstances around him and the alternates in regard to them.

As a builder and restorer, he knew the importance of a solid foundation
and truthful calculations pertaining to the project.
Realizing that any shortcut or quick fix could end up in disaster sooner or later.

His challenge would often be…..”proof me the facts”….and
I will consider or reconsider the matter.



The purpose of this blog is to stimulate the mind to think outside of the box.

To check and research the facts to dig in and find the truth in any given thing.

This is not always a simple task, because conveniently, the easy answers
are often waiting right around the corner.

But is it the “Truth”? The Truth and the Facts are often buried and harder to find.

If your mind likes to be challenged you will enjoy “let your mind soar”!